We are Nursery 2024-2025
Welcome to our Class Page!
This is the Nursery Class Page. We will keep it up to date with information and photographs of the children's learning experiences.
Nursery is all about learning through play. It is a time for fun, exploration and creativity. Both our indoor and outdoor provision offer a wide variety of child led activities for the children to develop their independence and social skills. The children will also join in with guided activities to help move them on in their learning.
If you have any questions please speak to a member of the Nursery team and we will be more than happy to help you.
The Nursery Team
Mrs Elliott (Class Teacher), Mrs Berry (Class Teacher, Thursday) Mrs Natha (Teaching Assistant), Mrs Naylor (Teaching Assistant) Mrs Nebija (Teaching Assistant)
What are we learning this term?
Please have a look at our Termly Overview. This will show you the learning and activities that will be taking place in Nursery during the Autumn term.
Termly Overviews - Nursery
What's coming up? 
Half term - Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February
World Book Day - Thursday 6th March
Reading in Nursery 
In Nursery we read high quality texts each day. There are reading areas in both the indoor and outdoor provision which gives the children plenty of opportunities to read for themselves and with their friends.
We will change library books on a Monday. Please send your child to Nursery with their library book and reading record each Monday.
This half term we will focus on reading The Naughty Bus by Jan and Jerry Oke. The children will be given lots of opportunities during teaching time and in the provision to retell the story and develop their mark making skills.
In Nursery we are always working hard on our communication skills, including our listening! We play ring games, complete listening activities, enjoy stories and poems, and sing lots of nursery rhymes. All of this is helping to develop our ability to listen, concentrate and focus our attention. All of these are complex skills and the children are working so hard to improve them.
You can help your child at home by reading and following the '5 Golden Rules of Communication'.
5 Golden Rules for Communication
It's Nearly Time! (A Christmas Rhyme) 
Autumn 2
This year Nursery were given the opportunity to work with The Church of England, Diocese of Manchester, to perform 'It's Nearly Time!' (A Christmas Rhyme). The children dressed up and joined in with songs and actions to retell the first Christmas story. The Nursery children were fantastic and really confident as they performed for their parents and family members. We hope you enjoyed our show!
Nursery AM
Nursery PM
Learning in Nursery 
Have a look at some of the fun learning we have been doing during Autumn 1!
Previous Years in Nursery
The children in Nursery enjoyed an Eid Party. All of the children were able to do some dancing, have a mehndi pattern, eat some party food and have a drink. It was lots of fun!
Eid Party
Today we had a Teddy Bear's Picnic in Nursery, it was great. The children enjoyed bringing their teddies into nursery. At the picnic, the children all had a sandwich that they had made, a cake, some crisps and juice. After the picnic, the children played on the play area. What a lovely day!
Teddy Bear's Picnic
Stay and Play
Today in nursery we have had a stay and play session. We had lots of activities based on The Gingerbread Man. The children could make a puppet from the story or decorate a biscuit.
Nursery stay and play Summer 2024
On Thursday Nursery were very lucky to have a visit from Zoo LAb. Ollie brought lots of different creatures for the children to hold and look at. It was a great session!
Nursery Zoo Lab
Making Easter Nests 
Spring 2
The Nursery children have had lots of fun making Easter Nests. First we spoke about the ingredients we would need. We talked about the changes that happen as chocolate melts and the children came up with suggestions of how to melt the chocolate. The children took turns to break the chocolate and stir it once it had melted in the microwave. We talked about what we thought would happen once we mixed the cornflakes in with the chocolate. Finally, the children all took turns mixing the ingredients before they added marshmallows (eggs) and a chick to their nest.
Happy to be me! 
Spring 2
This half term our Nursery theme has been 'Happy to be me!' We have talked all about what makes each of us special and unique. The children have really enjoyed talking all about their families and sharing their out of school experiences.
A lot of our learning has focused around the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Some children tried porridge for the first time and learnt that they really liked it!
Stay and Play!
Spring 1
Nursery had a fantastic day celebrating Valentines Day with their parents. Our Nursery parents came into Nursery and completed Valentines Day crafts and decorated biscuits. Everyone had a lovely time!
A walk to Aldi 
Spring 1
The children have been on a lovely walk to Aldi. They held hands and were very sensible as we crossed the roads. When we got to Aldi we bought items for our Tea Party which we will be having in Nursery. The children enjoyed looking for the items on our shopping list and had fun putting items in our basket and then through the till. Some children were even lucky enough to sit at the checkout till!
Under the Sea 
Spring 1
This half term our theme is 'Under the Sea'. The children have enjoyed listening to a number of stories set under the sea such as 'Barry the fish with fingers', 'Bright Stanley' and 'The Rainbow Fish'. They have learnt about the different animals that live in the sea and have created their own sea animals using creative resources.
Mark Making 
Spring 1
Nursery have been exploring lots of different way of mark making in the provision. The children really enjoyed getting inside and writing on giant cardboard boxes!
Reading in the Library 
Spring 1
Both children and parents have enjoyed spending time reading together in our school library.
Fun in the Snow!
Spring 1
Nursery have had lots of fun exploring the snow in our outdoor provision.
Meeting Father Christmas
Autumn 2
Nursery had a very special visitor at our Christmas party... Father Christmas came to visit! First we heard the bells and then we saw Father Christmas arriving with a sack of presents. The children were all very excited to receive a gift from Father Christmas.
It's Nearly Time! (A Christmas Rhyme) 
Autumn 2
This year Nursery were given the opportunity to work with The Church of England, Diocese of Manchester, to perform 'It's Nearly Time!' (A Christmas Rhyme). The children dressed up and joined in with songs and actions to retell the first Christmas story. The Nursery children were fantastic and really confident as they performed for their parents and family members. We hope you enjoyed our show!
Christmas Craft Activities
Autumn 2
We invited our parents to support their child in completing a selection of Christmas craft activities. Before completing the festive activities the children really enjoyed showing their parents our Nursery daily routines. First the children find their name card and self register. Next they find their place at the table and practise writing their names. Once they have done this they choose a book and read with their friends until it is time for registration with the teacher, followed by a whole class teaching input.
Today we spoke about Christmas and the children were show the Christmas activities on offer. With their parents the children made Rudolph hot chocolate cones, a Christmas bauble and a Christmas tree.
We hope the parents enjoyed visiting Nursery and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Local Walk 
Autumn 2
Nursery have had a lovely time going for a walk to explore our local area. They were keen to look out for homes of family and friends. The children were excited to discover frost and ice on the floor. We talked about the changes in weather and how the ice had formed. We talked about the importance of walking on the path and always putting our litter in the bin. In the distance we spotted a church steeple and a mosque. What a lovely walk in the fresh air!
Autumn 2 in Nursery
Autumn 2
Nursery have had lots of fun making new friends and exploring the provision this half term. The children are becoming more independent and more confident to try new things.
Humpty and Friends 
Autumn 2
The children have learnt and joined in with a selection of Nursery Rhymes such as Old Mac Donald, Five Little Ducks, Five Little Speckled Frogs, Five Current Buns, Tommy Thumb and There was an old lady who swallowed a fly...
Stay and Read 
Autumn 2
The children thoroughly enjoyed their parents coming to read and share books with them in our school library.
Toy Picnic 
Autumn 1
To celebrate the end of our 'Let's Play' theme the children brought a toy from home and together we all had a picnic in Nursery.
Stay and Play!
Autumn 1
Everybody enjoyed our Stay and Play!
The Nursery session happened as usual except all parents were invited! The children practised writing their names, joined in during teaching time and solved some number problems. All the children really enjoyed exploring the provision with their parents. What fantastic day in Nursery!
Thank you to all the parents who attended. We will look forward to seeing you again next time.
Firefighter Visit 
Autumn 1
Nursery have been very lucky and have had a visit from some firefighters! The visit began by listening to a short talk all about how dangerous fire can be and what we can do to keep ourselves safe around it. Miss Ainsworth then dressed up in the firefighter uniform and we learnt about the protective clothing firefighters wear.
The most exciting part of the visit was when the children went outside to see the fire engine, wear a firefighters helmet and use the hose!
Autumn Walk
Autumn 1
Nursery have had a lovely time exploring our Forest School and looking for signs of Autumn. The children spotted the different coloured leaves and were excited to collect a selection of red, yellow and orange leaves from the forest floor. We found some hazelnuts, red berries, apples growing on a tree and lots of different sized sticks! The children collected items and have placed then in our Autumn exploration area.
Let's Play! 
Autumn 1
Our theme is Let's Play! We have been learning all about toys and how to share and take turns when playing with one another. The children each brought a toy in from home, talked about it with their friends and then painted a picture of their toy. Following the children's interest in toy vehicles we have used junk modelling to make cars.
We have created a Toy Shop role play area in Nursery. The children have had lots of fun playing shop, choosing their toys, waiting in the queue and buying toys using either coins or a debit card.
Dental Nurse Visit 
Autumn 1
The dental nurse has been to visit Nursery! To start the dental nurse spoke with the parents; informing them how harmful sugar can be and how to help keep teeth healthy.
The children learnt about how important it is to brush our teeth twice a day. We also talked about the different foods that we can eat to keep our teeth healthy. The children met some very special characters and gave their teeth a very good brush!
Autumn 1 in Nursery
The children have had a fantastic first week back at Nursery. We are so proud of how well the children have settled in. They have had lots of fun exploring the provision and have been learning valuable skills such as sharing, taking turns and how to wait.
Our new Nursery children have been making friends and becoming familiar with our daily routines.
Nursery Class 2022-2023
Edgworth Park 
Summer 2
Nursery have had a wonderful trip to Edgworth Park! When we arrived we had a walk around the woodland area and enjoyed listening to ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ story. We then went over a bridge and had a look for fairies in the fairy garden. Later on the children had lots of fun on the park, playing football and enjoying an ice cream!
Teddy Bears’ Picnic
Summer 2
As part of our 'If you go down to the woods...' theme Nursery have enjoyed a Teddy Bears’ Picnic! We sang songs and enjoyed a lovely picnic together with our teddy bears.
Bolton Library Visit 
Summer 1
Nursery have had a fantastic time at Bolton Library. The children arrived at the Library with their parents and together we listened to stories and joined in with nursery rhymes. Lots of families signed up to get Library cards so they can borrow books in the future. Next the children enjoyed completing a creative activity with their parents. We then all walked over to the aquarium where we were lucky enough to see the fish being fed! Each child was kindly gifted a book from Bolton Library.
We would like to say a big thank you to all the staff at Bolton Library who looked after us today.
Moses Gate Country Park 
Summer 1
Nursery have had a fantastic time at Moses Gate Country Park! When we arrived the children fed the ducks, geese and swans. We went for a lovely walk around the lake, watched the waterfall and had lots of fun playing together on the playground.
Celebrating Eid
Summer 1
The children have enjoyed sharing their experiences of Eid. In Nursery we made Eid cards and celebrated by having an Eid party with lots of delicious party food!
Tell us a story… 
Spring 2
This half term we have been focusing on Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man. The children have helped to make porridge and enjoyed tasting it. They have used puppets to retell the stories and have had fun creating their own Gingerbread Man.
Have a look at our photos to see some of the exciting things we have been getting up to in the provision.
Aqua Explorers Visit 
Spring 2
We have had some exciting creatures visit us today! The children have had the opportunity to explore a real rockpool filled with lots of interesting ocean life. A lot of the children showed confidence and were really brave as they touched and even held a variety of creatures. The creatures included hermit crabs, shore crabs, anemone, seaweed, sea urchins and lots of different species of star fish!
World Book Day 
Spring 2
Everyone has had a wonderful World Book Day. The children dressed up as their favourite book characters and were keen to show off their fantastic outfits. We focused on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the children enjoyed completing activities linking to the story. Nursery visited the library and enjoyed listening to stories.
Reading in the Library 
Spring 1
Both children and parents have enjoyed spending time reading together in our school library.
Leading Through Language 
Spring 1
This half term we have been focusing on improving our communication and language skills. The children have had lots of fun exploring the provision and learning how to share and take turns. We have learnt about winter, clothes, body parts, feelings and emotions and we have talked about the people we love, while celebrating Valentine's day.
Local Walk 
Spring 1
Nursery have had a lovely time going for a walk to explore our local area. They were keen to look out for homes of family and friends and had fun counting how many cars they could see. We talked about the importance of walking on the path and always putting our litter in the bin. In the distance we spotted a church, mosque and a builder up a ladder! We even met a postman who was busy delivering letters!
Chinese New Year
Spring 1
To help us celebrate the Chinese New Year we invited all our Nursery parents to come in school and celebrate with us. We learnt a little bit about how the Chinese New Year is celebrated and the children enjoyed watching dragon dances. Together the children and parents completed a variety of Chinese New Year crafts. They made chinese lanterns, red money packets and painted chinese banners.
The children later enjoyed tasting some noodles!
Wiggle Worship 
Nursery have started to join in with Wiggle Worship! The sessions are delivered once a fortnight by Steph from the Children Changing Places Project at Manchester Diocese. During the first session the children met Wiggle! Wiggle the worm was very shy at first but when he did say hello he also read us the story of Creation. We then danced and celebrated in worship together before closing with a prayer. We're looking forward to our next Wiggle Worship session!
Meeting Father Christmas
Autumn 2
Nursery had a very speical visitor at our Christmas party... Father Christmas came to visit! First we heard the bells and then we saw Father Christmas arriving with a sack of presents. The children were all very excited to recieve a gift from Father Christmas.
The Spirit of Christmas 
Autumn 2
The children have had lots of fun celebrating Christmas. We have read Christmas books and spent time understanding the Christmas Story. We have done lots of creative activities, enjoyed dressing up as Nativity characters and watched a pantomime. The children have worked hard to learn Christmas songs which they performed for their parents and family members. Nursery also enjoyed their first St Matthew's Christmas party where we danced, played games and ate some delicious party food.
Christmas Craft Activities
Autumn 2
We invited our parents to support their child in completing a selection of Christmas craft activities. Before completing the festive activities the children really enjoyed showing their parents our Nursery daily routines. First the children find their name card and self register. Next they find their place at the table and practise writing their names. Once they have done this they choose a book and read with their friends until it is time for registration with the teacher, followed by a whole class teaching input.
Today we introduced Christmas and the children were show the Christmas activities on offer. With their parents the children made Rudolph hot chocolate cones, a Christmas bauble and a Christmas tree decoration.
We hope the parents enjoyed visiting Nursery and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Come and Join the Celebration
Autumn 2
Nursery have been learning all about celebrations with a big focus on birthdays. The children helped to plan a birthday party for Teddy who celebrated his 4th birthday in Nursery. We wrote birthday cards, had birthday cake and enjoyed a party for Teddy.
A walk to Aldi and our Tea Party 
Autumn 2
After singing 'I'm a little tea pot' the children thought they would like to have a cup of tea in Nursery. We decided to have a tea party! Everyone walked to our local Aldi and we bought the things we would need for a tea party. When we returned to Nursery some children enjoyed a cup of tea for the first time. Other children showed us how to enjoy a biscuit by dipping it in their tea!
Firefighter Visit 
Autumn 2
Nursery have been very lucky and have had a visit from some firefighters! The visit began by listening to a short talk all about how dangerous fire can be and what we can do to keep ourselves safe around it. Mrs Robson then dressed up in the firefighter uniform and we learnt that firefighters carry oxygen on their backs to help them breathe in thick smoke.
The most exciting part of the visit was when all the children went outside to see the fire engine and use the hose!
Stay and Play! 
Autumn 2
Everybody enjoyed our Stay and Play!
The Nursery session happened as usual except all parents were invited! The children practised writing their names, joined in during teaching time and learnt about fireworks. Parents then had the opportunity to support their child in creating a firework painting. The children enjoyed exploring the provision with their parents, joined in during maths time, sang nursery rhymes, enjoyed snack together and ended the Stay and Play by listening to The Gruffalo story. What fantastic day in Nursery!
Thank you to all the parents who attended. We will look forward to seeing you again next time.
Autumn 1 in Nursery
We are so proud of how well Nursery have settled in. The children have had lots of fun exploring the provision and have been learning valuable skills such as sharing, taking turns and how to wait.
As part of our Help is at Hand theme the children have been keen to dress up as Doctors and role play in our Doctors Surgery.
Autumn Walk
Autumn 1
Nursery have had a lovely time exploring our Forest School and looking for signs of Autumn. The children spotted the different coloured leaves and were excited to collect a selection of red, yellow and orange leaves from the forest floor. We found some sycamore seeds, acorns and even discovered some mushrooms!
Police Officer Visit
Autumn 1
Nursery have had a visit from a Police Officer! The children were keen to hear all about his job as part of the police in our community. We learnt that the police communicate with one another using radio's and the children were lucky enough to speak to a police officer through the radio. We also had a look at some handcuffs and a baton. The children's favourite part of the visit was trying on some of the police offier's uniform!
Planting Bulbs
Autumn 1
The Nursery children have explored daffodil bulbs and we have talked all about how they turn in to beautiful daffodils. We planted plenty of bulbs in our Nursery garden and the children are excited to see them grow in Spring! The children learnt that they will need to water the daffodils once they start to grow.
Dental Nurse Visit 
Autumn 1
The dental nurse has been to visit Nursery! The children learnt about how important it is to brush our teeth twice a day. We also talked about the different foods that we can eat to keep our teeth healthy. The children met some very special characters and gave their teeth a very good brush! We then acted out a role play. We had a patient, a receptionist, a dentist and a dental nurse.
Road Safety 
Autumn 1
Nursery have had a visit from Mrs Tinker, Road Safety Coordinator, who spoke to the children about how to keep safe when outside of school. The children learnt about the different vehicles on the road and how important it is to walk on the pavement and hold their adults hand. We learnt about the job of a lollipop person and some children even wore the lollipop uniform! After Mrs Tinker's visit the children enjoyed colouring in their own lollipop person, making sure they used bright colours.
Nursery Class 2022-2023
Edgworth Park 
Summer 2
Nursery have had a wonderful trip to Edgworth Park! When we arrived we had a walk around the woodland area and enjoyed listening to ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ story. We then went over a bridge and had a look for fairies in the fairy garden. Later on the children had lots of fun on the park, playing football and enjoying an ice cream!
Teddy Bears’ Picnic
Summer 2
As part of our 'If you go down to the woods...' theme Nursery have enjoyed a Teddy Bears’ Picnic! We sang songs and enjoyed a lovely picnic together with our teddy bears.
Bolton Library Visit 
Summer 1
Nursery have had a fantastic time at Bolton Library. The children arrived at the Library with their parents and together we listened to stories and joined in with nursery rhymes. Lots of families signed up to get Library cards so they can borrow books in the future. Next the children enjoyed completing a creative activity with their parents. We then all walked over to the aquarium where we were lucky enough to see the fish being fed! Each child was kindly gifted a book from Bolton Library.
We would like to say a big thank you to all the staff at Bolton Library who looked after us today.
Moses Gate Country Park 
Summer 1
Nursery have had a fantastic time at Moses Gate Country Park! When we arrived the children fed the ducks, geese and swans. We went for a lovely walk around the lake, watched the waterfall and had lots of fun playing together on the playground.
Celebrating Eid
Summer 1
The children have enjoyed sharing their experiences of Eid. In Nursery we made Eid cards and celebrated by having an Eid party with lots of delicious party food!
Tell us a story… 
Spring 2
This half term we have been focusing on Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Gingerbread Man. The children have helped to make porridge and enjoyed tasting it. They have used puppets to retell the stories and have had fun creating their own Gingerbread Man.
Have a look at our photos to see some of the exciting things we have been getting up to in the provision.
Aqua Explorers Visit 
Spring 2
We have had some exciting creatures visit us today! The children have had the opportunity to explore a real rockpool filled with lots of interesting ocean life. A lot of the children showed confidence and were really brave as they touched and even held a variety of creatures. The creatures included hermit crabs, shore crabs, anemone, seaweed, sea urchins and lots of different species of star fish!
World Book Day 
Spring 2
Everyone has had a wonderful World Book Day. The children dressed up as their favourite book characters and were keen to show off their fantastic outfits. We focused on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the children enjoyed completing activities linking to the story. Nursery visited the library and enjoyed listening to stories.
Reading in the Library 
Spring 1
Both children and parents have enjoyed spending time reading together in our school library.
Leading Through Language 
Spring 1
This half term we have been focusing on improving our communication and language skills. The children have had lots of fun exploring the provision and learning how to share and take turns. We have learnt about winter, clothes, body parts, feelings and emotions and we have talked about the people we love, while celebrating Valentine's day.
Local Walk 
Spring 1
Nursery have had a lovely time going for a walk to explore our local area. They were keen to look out for homes of family and friends and had fun counting how many cars they could see. We talked about the importance of walking on the path and always putting our litter in the bin. In the distance we spotted a church, mosque and a builder up a ladder! We even met a postman who was busy delivering letters!
Chinese New Year
Spring 1
To help us celebrate the Chinese New Year we invited all our Nursery parents to come in school and celebrate with us. We learnt a little bit about how the Chinese New Year is celebrated and the children enjoyed watching dragon dances. Together the children and parents completed a variety of Chinese New Year crafts. They made chinese lanterns, red money packets and painted chinese banners.
The children later enjoyed tasting some noodles!
Wiggle Worship 
Nursery have started to join in with Wiggle Worship! The sessions are delivered once a fortnight by Steph from the Children Changing Places Project at Manchester Diocese. During the first session the children met Wiggle! Wiggle the worm was very shy at first but when he did say hello he also read us the story of Creation. We then danced and celebrated in worship together before closing with a prayer. We're looking forward to our next Wiggle Worship session!
Meeting Father Christmas
Autumn 2
Nursery had a very speical visitor at our Christmas party... Father Christmas came to visit! First we heard the bells and then we saw Father Christmas arriving with a sack of presents. The children were all very excited to recieve a gift from Father Christmas.
The Spirit of Christmas 
Autumn 2
The children have had lots of fun celebrating Christmas. We have read Christmas books and spent time understanding the Christmas Story. We have done lots of creative activities, enjoyed dressing up as Nativity characters and watched a pantomime. The children have worked hard to learn Christmas songs which they performed for their parents and family members. Nursery also enjoyed their first St Matthew's Christmas party where we danced, played games and ate some delicious party food.
Christmas Craft Activities
Autumn 2
We invited our parents to support their child in completing a selection of Christmas craft activities. Before completing the festive activities the children really enjoyed showing their parents our Nursery daily routines. First the children find their name card and self register. Next they find their place at the table and practise writing their names. Once they have done this they choose a book and read with their friends until it is time for registration with the teacher, followed by a whole class teaching input.
Today we introduced Christmas and the children were show the Christmas activities on offer. With their parents the children made Rudolph hot chocolate cones, a Christmas bauble and a Christmas tree decoration.
We hope the parents enjoyed visiting Nursery and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Come and Join the Celebration
Autumn 2
Nursery have been learning all about celebrations with a big focus on birthdays. The children helped to plan a birthday party for Teddy who celebrated his 4th birthday in Nursery. We wrote birthday cards, had birthday cake and enjoyed a party for Teddy.
A walk to Aldi and our Tea Party 
Autumn 2
After singing 'I'm a little tea pot' the children thought they would like to have a cup of tea in Nursery. We decided to have a tea party! Everyone walked to our local Aldi and we bought the things we would need for a tea party. When we returned to Nursery some children enjoyed a cup of tea for the first time. Other children showed us how to enjoy a biscuit by dipping it in their tea!
Firefighter Visit 
Autumn 2
Nursery have been very lucky and have had a visit from some firefighters! The visit began by listening to a short talk all about how dangerous fire can be and what we can do to keep ourselves safe around it. Mrs Robson then dressed up in the firefighter uniform and we learnt that firefighters carry oxygen on their backs to help them breathe in thick smoke.
The most exciting part of the visit was when all the children went outside to see the fire engine and use the hose!
Stay and Play! 
Autumn 2
Everybody enjoyed our Stay and Play!
The Nursery session happened as usual except all parents were invited! The children practised writing their names, joined in during teaching time and learnt about fireworks. Parents then had the opportunity to support their child in creating a firework painting. The children enjoyed exploring the provision with their parents, joined in during maths time, sang nursery rhymes, enjoyed snack together and ended the Stay and Play by listening to The Gruffalo story. What fantastic day in Nursery!
Thank you to all the parents who attended. We will look forward to seeing you again next time.
Autumn 1 in Nursery
We are so proud of how well Nursery have settled in. The children have had lots of fun exploring the provision and have been learning valuable skills such as sharing, taking turns and how to wait.
As part of our Help is at Hand theme the children have been keen to dress up as Doctors and role play in our Doctors Surgery.
Autumn Walk
Autumn 1
Nursery have had a lovely time exploring our Forest School and looking for signs of Autumn. The children spotted the different coloured leaves and were excited to collect a selection of red, yellow and orange leaves from the forest floor. We found some sycamore seeds, acorns and even discovered some mushrooms!
Police Officer Visit
Autumn 1
Nursery have had a visit from a Police Officer! The children were keen to hear all about his job as part of the police in our community. We learnt that the police communicate with one another using radio's and the children were lucky enough to speak to a police officer through the radio. We also had a look at some handcuffs and a baton. The children's favourite part of the visit was trying on some of the police offier's uniform!
Planting Bulbs
Autumn 1
The Nursery children have explored daffodil bulbs and we have talked all about how they turn in to beautiful daffodils. We planted plenty of bulbs in our Nursery garden and the children are excited to see them grow in Spring! The children learnt that they will need to water the daffodils once they start to grow.
Dental Nurse Visit 
Autumn 1
The dental nurse has been to visit Nursery! The children learnt about how important it is to brush our teeth twice a day. We also talked about the different foods that we can eat to keep our teeth healthy. The children met some very special characters and gave their teeth a very good brush! We then acted out a role play. We had a patient, a receptionist, a dentist and a dental nurse.
Road Safety 
Autumn 1