Welcome to Year 6H!
STAFF TEAM: Mrs Hardingham, Mrs Morris,
Mrs Lightfoot, Miss Worthington, Mrs Whittingham, Mr Patel, Mrs Pandor
Welcome to our class page where you will find important information such as our curriculum letters, weekly spellings and any important news we have to share. You will also find photographs of all the amazing and fun things we have been doing.
Key Reminders
- PE is on Thursday. Please remember to have the correct PE kit on this day. If unsure, please refer to the school website.
- Read everyday. Your child is expected to read daily. They can read to your or independently. Please sign their reading record to show that they have read.
- Homework will go out every Wednesday and must be returned the following Monday. There is a homework club on Thursday lunchtime for children that need support or have a busy weekend planned where they would struggle to get it completed on time. Homework consists of English and Maths. Maths Scrap Book - Please complete the task as a family. This goes out on Friday and needs to be returned on Wednesday.
Topmarks: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help
Maths Zone Cool Learning Games – Maths Games and Learning Activties for Fun
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
Key Stage 2 SATs in 2025
The National Curriculum assessments, or SATs, can seem daunting, but understanding them can ease concerns. SATs are national and standardised tests taken by children in Year 6 in England. SATs assess the knowledge and skills in Mathematics, English Reading, and Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling (GPS).
Held every May, the 2025 Key Stage 2 SATs run from Monday, May 12th, to Thursday, May 15th.
The purpose of Key Stage 2 SATs is to measure your child's academic progress and the school's performance. SATs results are passed on to your child's secondary school to help their new school set a baseline for progress measurement and often place them into suitable sets or streams in Year 7.
SATs Subjects
- English Reading: Tests comprehension skills through questions based on various texts. There is one English Reading Paper, 50 marks, 60 minutes.
- Mathematics: This course includes arithmetic and reasoning papers. It focuses on number operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, and problem-solving. There are three Mathematics Papers, 110 marks, and 110 minutes.
- English Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling (GPS): This assesses grammar rules, punctuation, and spelling knowledge. There are two GPS papers, 70 marks, 60 minutes.
SATs Test Schedule
- Monday, 12th May 2025: English Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling (Papers 1 and 2).
- Tuesday, 13th May 2025: English Reading.
- Wednesday, 12th May 2025: Mathematics (Papers 1 and 2).
- Thursday, 15th May 2025: Mathematics (Paper 3).
These are previous SATs papers that we have looked at in class:
SATS Papers 2017
Gang for Life Workshop- Thursday 10th October
We learnt lots about what gangs are, how they can affect your life and the consequences of our actions. We listened to the story of someone who was in a gang and ended up making lots of bad choices which resulted in him missing out on a football career and ending up in prison for over a third of his life. We finished off our session with a 15 station fitness circuit.
Here are the important documents for this half term.
Important Documents 6H Autumn 1 24-25
Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home. Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. Please note that dates are not included in the overview. As an example, week 1 spellings are handed out on week 1 and then children carry out the test on week 2 (the following week) and so on.
Our class novel in English for Autumn Term 1 is Star of Fear, Star of Hope by Jo Hoestlandt. In reading, our class text is When We Were Warriors by Emma Carroll.
Year 6 Five Class Reads
In Year 6, our five class reads for Autumn Term 1 are: If the World Were 100 People by Jackie McCann | Wisp by Zana Fraillon | Dreams of Freedom by Amnesty International | Where the Poppies Now Grow by Hilary Robinson | When I Was a Child by Andy Stanton
Here are the important documents for this half term.
Important Documents 6H Autumn 2 24-25
Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home. Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. Please note that dates are not included in the overview. As an example, week 1 spellings are handed out on week 1 and then children carry out the test on week 2 (the following week) and so on.
Our class text in English for Autumn Term 2 is The Place for Me: Stories About the Windrush Generation. We will be studying this book in our English Writing and Reading lessons.
Year 6 Five Class Reads
In Year 6, our five class reads for Autumn Term 2 are:
Tudor Workshop at Smithill's Hall - Friday 15th November
Year 6 visited Smithill's Hall where we toured the grounds, learnt about the Tudor families that lived there and experienced a Tudor banquet with a feast, taking part in a dance and playing skittles.
6H Reading Afternoon - Thursday 21st November
Thank you to the parents who came to read with pupils in our school library.
Here are the important documents for this half term.
Important Documents 6H Spring 1 24-25
Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home. Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. Please note that dates are not included in the overview. As an example, week 1 spellings are handed out on week 1 and then children carry out the test on week 2 (the following week) and so on.
Our class novel in English for Spring Term 1 is The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde. In reading, our class text is The Happy Prince and other tales by Oscar Wilde.
n Year 6, our five class reads for Spring Term 1 are: And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson; The Island by Armin Greder; Humpty Dumpty Lived Near a Wall by Derek Hughes; Freedom We Sing by Amyra León; and How to live forever by Colin Thompson
6H PSHE Mindfulness Lesson
This half term, we are learning about Health and Wellbeing. In this lesson, we looked at various different ways we could use Mindfulness to support our mental health. We did some colouring, relaxation and exercise.
Welcome to Year 6H!
STAFF TEAM: Mrs Hardingham, Mrs Lewin,
Mrs Lightfoot, Miss Worthington, Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Berry
Welcome to our class page where you will find important information such as our curriculum letters, weekly spellings and any important news we have to share. You will also find photographs of all the amazing and fun things we have been doing.
Key Reminders
- PE is on Tuesday and Thursday. Please remember to have the correct PE kit on this day. If unsure, please refer to the school website.
- Read everyday. Your child is expected to read daily. They can read to your or independently. Please sign their reading record to show that they have read.
- Homework will go out every Wednesday and must be returned the following Monday. There is a homework club on Thursday lunchtime for children that need support or have a busy weekend planned where they would struggle to get it completed on time. Homework consists of a creative challenge, English and Maths. Maths Scrap Book - Please complete the task as a family. This goes out on Friday and needs to be returned on Wednesday.
Topmarks: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help
Maths Zone Cool Learning Games – Maths Games and Learning Activties for Fun
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
Here are the important documents for this half term.
6H Autumn 1 Important Documents
Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home. Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. Please note that dates are not included in the overview. As an example, week 1 spellings are handed out on week 1 and then children carry out the test on week 2 (the following week) and so on.
Our class novel for Autumn Term 1 is Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. The genre is historical fiction and all of our English lessons will be based around this book.
Year 6 Five Class Reads
In Year 6, our five class reads for Autumn Term 1 are: If the World Were 100 People by Jackie McCann | Wisp by Zana Fraillon | Dreams of Freedom by Amnesty International | Where the Poppies Now Grow by Hilary Robinson | When I Was a Child by Andy Stanton
Gang for Life Workshop- Wednesday 24th October
We learnt lots about what gangs are, how they can affect your life and the consequences of our actions. We listened to the story of someone who was in a gang and ended up making lots of bad choices which resulted in him missing out on a football career and ending up in prison for over a third of his life. We finished off our session with a 15 station fitness circuit.
War Workshop- Tuesday 23rd October
We had a fantastic day learning about World War 1 and World War 2. The children learnt lots and it consolidated lots of learning from out Theme- Wars of the World. They got to dress up and hold real artefacts from the war. The children were given a souvenir half penny to take away.
Winter Hill- Tuesday 3rd October
What a great first trip! Despite the bad weather, Year 6 made it to the top of Winter Hill. With a few stuck shoes along the way, muddy falls and windswept faces, we had a great morning.
Here are the important documents for this half term.
6H Autumn 2 Important Documents
Spellings tests are carried out on Wednesdays and new spellings are taught and handed out to the children to take home. Please ensure that your child practices and learns the spelling pattern/rule each week to help improve their general spelling when writing. Please note that dates are not included in the overview. As an example, week 1 spellings are handed out on week 1 and then children carry out the test on week 2 (the following week) and so on.
Our class novel for Autumn Term 2 is The Giant's Necklace by Michael Morpurgo. The genre is ghost story and all of our English lessons will be based around this book.
Year 6 Five Class Reads
In Year 6, our five class reads for Autumn Term 2 are: